Our goal is to build beautiful technology tools for the workplace injury prevention industry and provide remote data analytics support, but we don’t compete for professional services.
We support internal safety teams that have the capacity to run their own programs. However, quite often our clients opt to involve an existing on-site partner that they already do other work with. Preventure then works alongside those safety consultants or allied health professionals to ensure program success.
Don’t have a partner? We have a growing list of Preventure partners that understand our technology and can support your program as boots-on-the-ground. Ask us for an intro!
Preventure Partners

Join Our Partner Channel
If you are interested in becoming a referral partner, or re-seller of the Preventure platform, please get in touch with our team. You will gain access to discounted technology rates and an account manager who will work with you to help you achieve your business goals.
Our partner channel suits safety and risk consultants, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and exercise physiology companies, workers compensation insurance providers, and brokers.
Solo OHS Consultants
We have a special deal for sole proprietors who are working in the safety and allied health industries.
Unlock remote consulting capabilities and add wearable technology to your toolbelt for just $89/month!
This includes unlimited technology and data support from our team.